TEACHERS are the real “Game Changers.”  

Teachers demonstrate limitless game changing strategies each day. Examples include the way they make learning engaging, are tuned in to student needs, continuously improve through professional learning, and bridge learning for parents. This year, the Title I Conference will provide additional strategies and resources teachers can use to enhance their “Game Changing” strategies.
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Matthew A. Take

John Love Elementary
Mr. Matthew Take has been in the field of education for 17 years.   He first began his career teaching students with the most significant disabilities in Duval County Public Schools. In the latter years of his educational career, he joined the Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource System (FDLRS) as a Human Resource Development (HRD) and Assistive Technology (AT) Specialist where he is actively learning about evidence-based best practices in education, creating trainings that incorporate the principles of multi-sensory learning, UDL, Assistive Technology, etc. and supporting leadership, administration, teachers, and staff when implementing best practices for students.

Mr. Take is led by his commitment to students because of his philosophy of education. He believes in each student’s innate and unique ability to acquire knowledge and skills to the greatest extent possible. He continues to use this philosophy to advocate for ALL students. With a deep understanding of educational principles, Mr. Take is a strong advocate for ALL students. He continues to research and study Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and other evidence-based practices and high-leverage practices. He recognizes that each learner possesses unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, and is committed to creating more positive learning environments that accommodate these individual needs. Mr. Take seeks to incorporate instructional strategies and materials accessible to all learners, employing a wide range of methods such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and multimedia resources. He firmly believes that meeting individual needs is critical for fostering positive and successful learning experiences.
Title I Conference 2024 - Game Changers
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