TEACHERS are the real “Game Changers.”  

Teachers demonstrate limitless game changing strategies each day. Examples include the way they make learning engaging, are tuned in to student needs, continuously improve through professional learning, and bridge learning for parents. This year, the Title I Conference will provide additional strategies and resources teachers can use to enhance their “Game Changing” strategies.
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Founded in innovation, we are committed to being educators' most trusted partner in creating successful student outcomes everywhere learning occurs.

We like to think that who we are is a lot like who you are—educators committed to the success of every student. It was that commitment that inspired us when we pioneered online education more than 50 years ago, and it’s what continues to inspire us to innovate today. We want to be your most trusted partner by providing you with tools and support to make it easier to individualize learning for every student. But we know that trust is earned over time, not overnight. That’s why we’re committed to building meaningful, effective, and long term partnerships.

We share your passion and your goals. Together, let’s empower futures, one student at a time.

Title I Conference 2024 - Game Changers
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